Photos of Conan in Movies
Movies, TV, Film

Training to Get Big Legs, Quads and Hamstrings

Wednesday, 09 August 2006

Today is leg workout day, fortunately I used to train with some New Zealand powerlifters (Harry, thanks for calling me a girl so much I had to Squat with you guys to save face) so my quads are strong, so in proper bodybuilding tradition I bring you.... 

10 Aug 06 - Big Quads - well at 7

How Do I Get Big Legs

Now if you are new to this site and say they aren't big legs - well I am over 7ft tall which makes my legs huge.  In fact in Thailand the running joke is that my legs are bigger than a womans waist, which we often test - and it is true (well at least for the sort of women we talk to)....


Website Now 2 Years Old

Tuesday, 01 July 2008

It is now 2 years since I started this website, time flys fast. It only seems months ago that I was running around this new and strange town (Bangkok) trying to meet industry people with stars in my eyes and no idea of the culture nor the geography.

This time last year I was happy with the progress of my site, it was bringing in enough to survive upon and I was getting contacted for acting work.

So how has it all turned out in the last year.... 


Real Life Superhero: Leo Major

Monday, 01 March 2010

If you find yourself needing some inspiration to action you could do none worse than read up about the super human exploits of the French Canadian war hero Leo Major.

Seriously this guy is unbelievable.... on a scale you would not believe.... you have to read on...


Christmas Stampedes

Friday, 24 December 2010

Well it has rolled around again - all christians go out now and in a shopping frenzy reminiscent of berserker Vikings discovering unprotected church gold on the shores of England, celebrate by going out to the Xmas sales with mobs of other mind controlled shopping zombies and putting yourself in credit card debt to 'prove' you love your family.... because that is what the TV tells you to do.

Here is a different take on Christmas from Rob Sheridan:


Awesome. Enjoy your friends and the things that are important to your life. Stampedes and fist fights over "sale" items is a bloody ridiculous way to celebrate friends and family. 

I have been accused of being cynical - here is last Christmas , and the one before . Not really much to get excited about is it when you look at the reality. 


Best Geek Beer Brand Ever

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Checking through thespecialty beers at the local supermarket today one branding stood out head and shoulders above the rest.

Being a big fan I just had to get the beer.

Which Beer....?

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Results 28 - 36 of 247
See Also